Problem Solving Guidelines


First step – data collection and visualization

  1. Read the problem carefully, listing all quantities and word data given in the text and pictures directly or indirectly.
  2. Write down all collected data in short form at “given’ field at  the problem solving form. Add to the “given” quantities any that are normally needed for this kind of problem but which are not specifically mentioned in the problem statement. You may need to look up some constant in a table.
  3. Draw a sketch or diagram at “sketch field” of the problem solving form. Mark all physics values (in vector or scalar form) mentioned in “given”, even if from first look it is clear enough.
  4. Identify unknown quantities need to be found (goal of the problem) and write it down in the short form ( a-?, or t-?...).


Second step – physics problem analysis

  1. Look on the sketch and try to understand the behavior of the system qualitatively. 
  2. Decide what kind of problem you are working on (response to a force, energy transformation, moment exchange, equilibrium, or what have you). Identify involved physical principle(s).
  3. Look at the goal of the problem and think how this unknown quantity involved and/or related with behavior of the system and/or current phenomenon.
  4. Perform mental experiment for simpler special cases (absence of friction, zero and/or 90 degree angles, a zero acceleration, a large mass, etc.) where the answer to the problem is obvious.
  5. Start from the goal of the problem and formulate the chain of critical questions that when answered reveale a solution.

Third step- finding and solving the physics equation

  1. Write down all principles and formulas which apply to this kind of problem, whether or not it seems that you will use them here. Each definition and principle applied to a problem creates an equation.
  2. Express existing relationships and phenomena by algebraic expressions with physics symbols. Usually, the solution is multi step action. Intermediate quantities might have to be found first from physics, algebraic or geometry considerations then used to substitute unknown quantities to find final answer.
  3. Perform algebraic manipulations with symbols as far as possible. Frequently it gives advantage in simplification of final calculation or reduces needed information which looks like missing in the given information. Determine whether or not the data given are adequate. If something missing think how to get it.
  4. Work on the algebra to reduce the number of unknowns. You should find the same number of relevant, independent equations as you have unknowns.
  5. Perform dimensional analysis. In many cases it is good not only for checking equations but for complete problem solving.
  6. When you have an algebraic solution, substitute numbers with units. Be sure that all your numbers are in consistent units. Leaving out the units is a common source of errors.